Compassion: Isaiah 54:10

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

Isaiah 54:10 (NIV)

My word of the year this year is compassion. Surprisingly, it pops up often, usually when I least expect it. When I think of Jesus, I think of compassion, for He is the model of compassion. One definition of compassion; is a feeling you have when you become aware of another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. God has compassion for us. He cares about us and gives us His unfailing love. He wants to help us. However, in turn, we need to take our worries and troubles to Him. To pray and to follow His path of righteousness.
How has dwelling on the word compassion changed me? I have tried to really listen to others and to view everyone as a child of God. Right now, however, I am still a work in progress.

When is it difficult to be compassionate?

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for your unfailing, unshaken love. When a variety of flowers and grasses are grown together, color and beauty increase. Teach us, to grow together in compassion and love. As one flower may be stark, grouping with other flowers makes the results spectacular. Lord, help us, in turn, to work together to achieve harmony and compassion. We thank you for the beauty of our world. In Jesus’s holy name. Amen

12 thoughts on “Compassion: Isaiah 54:10

  1. What a great word to focus on this year. And a beautiful scripture ❤️. As He loves us so perfectly, so He would have us love each other.

    I think, for me, compassion is most difficult when someone’s actions or the consequences of their actions negatively affect me.

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    1. Hi Jenny, Good hearing from you. I agree it is difficult to be compassionate toward people when their actions are hurtful, extreme, or ungodly. The challenging goal is to hate the sin and love the sinner. God’s perfect love.

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    1. It is good to hear from you1 Thanks for your kind comments. I agree that when listening, you need to slow down to focus on what someone is saying. Many hurting people need someone to care enough to listen patiently, then pray.

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  2. “When a variety of flowers and grasses are grown together, color and beauty increase. Teach us, to grow together in compassion and love.” What a beautiful analogy! Life is rich when we are compelled by compassion. This is a wonderful encouragement, Jeanne ♥♥

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