A New Heart: Ezekiel 36:26

26 And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.

Ezekiel 36:26 (NLT)

A stony, stubborn heart one hardened by sin, and selfishness can be changed, renewed by the Lord. With His love, mercy, and grace He can open and soften a heart of stone. The Holy Spirit infuses us with love and leads us from a self-centered life into a God-centered life, and to a new heart that is compassionate, and tender.

Where do you need God to open your heart and to give you a new and more responsive heart?

Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, open our hearts to Your Word and ways. Thank you, for being tendered hearted to us, teach us to be tenderhearted to others. Take away our stony, stubborn, self-centered hearts and replace them with new hearts that are loving and caring. Like the sunflower blossoms are different but join together into a beautiful display, teach us to join together, displaying love and compassion for each other. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen

I thought you would enjoy this video of people from 50 countries affected by COVID-19 singing Amazing Grace.

19 thoughts on “A New Heart: Ezekiel 36:26

    1. Hi Dawn, I thought the video was beautiful and heartwarming to hear the many voices and languages in praise. An open heart is something I pray for. Great to hear from you Dawn! Have a peaceful and blessed week! 🌻🌼

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      1. Yesssssss!! Can you imagine when we enter that city prepared by our Lord. It will be filled with joy and melodious voice. Maranatha 🙌🏽
        Blessings to you always, Jeanne.

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