Peace with God: Romans 5:1

1Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Romans 5:1 (NASB)

We are justified by faith, made righteous by God. This was made possible by the atonement of our sins by Jesus Christ. Through which we became reconciled with God. The love of Jesus Christ, our faith, and by the grace of God, we are righteous (set right with Him), giving us peace with God.

Are there times where your self-direction takes you away for God’s way and peace with God?

Prayer: Our loving Heavenly Father, we thank you for Your grace and forgiveness. Teach us to grow in faith, embrace Your way, and follow Your path. We thank you for the blessing of Jesus atonement, which opened the door for us, to be set right and feel peace with You. Like the white beach rose is lit and glows in the sun’s rays, let our path be lit by Your light and our day’s glowing in peace with God. In Jesus’ loving and holy name. Amen

If you would like prayer, I will be glad to pray for you.

Please leave a comment or a message on my contact page. 🌺

10 thoughts on “Peace with God: Romans 5:1

  1. I do think that if I lean only on my understanding and direction I would slowly drift away from paths and decision God wants me to take. Daily time with Him helps me reset my compass to His setting so that I am attuned to His voice and will and yes there is definitely peace.

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    1. Hi Manu, I like your thought of resetting our compass to his direction/setting. It’s so important to take time to listen for His voice, and direction. It is easy to get distracted by the world. Good to hear from you!! 🌺

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    1. Hi Dawn, Yes, it is important to focus on God and His path for us and to let go of worldly things and achieve His peace. It is always good to hear from you! Blessings! 🌺🦋

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  2. Amen. Yes, absolutely there are times when my self-direction leads me away from God and His peace. Then I really really need Him to help me to follow Him. I don’t like being far from Him at all. Nope. Not one bit. May your week is filled with that closeness and peace, Jeanne. May mine be too! 😊

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    1. Hi Tina, I think we all struggle with self-direction and worldly distraction. I try to remember to slow down, ask, and listen for God’s direction (I still am a work in progress). His peace is something I do seek and need to embrace. May we both let go of our concerns, give them to God and embrace His peace. Peace and light! 🌼🦋🌼

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