Joy: John 15:11

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“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

John 15: 9-11 (NIV)

Allowing Jesus into your life, following His ways, and giving Him your burdens, brings joy to your life. Jesus did not want His followers to live in fear; He wanted them to rely on Him, to receive His peace, love, and joy. Jesus wants us to lighten our burdens by turning them over to Him. When we let go of fears and worries and take time to be still in His presence, it opens our hearts to His way. Having faith, trust in Jesus lightens our mind, calms our day, and brings us joy.

Do you let temporary problems and struggles steal away your eternal Jesus given joy?

Prayer; Jesus, our Shepherd, and Redeemer, teach us to give our burdens and fears to You. Lead us on the path of righteousness and guide our way. Help us to embrace your teachings and grow in faith. Like the glorious open flowers of the water lilies, reach upward toward the sun, let us be open-hearted and reach upward toward You, Jesus, and live in joy. Amen

I believe in the power of prayer. Need prayer? I will be glad to pray for you. Leave a comment or message me on the contact page. 🌺

9 thoughts on “Joy: John 15:11

  1. Let go of our fears and worries. Be still in His presence and our hearts will be opened to His way – a much needed reminder for me. Although we know it, we need reminders like this to do it because we get so caught up on fixating on things that we forget that we need to fix our eyes on Him to have His peace.
    Thank you Jeanne 🤗💙

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    1. Manu, I agree. I like your thought “we get so caught up on fixating on things that we forget that we need to fix our eyes on Him to have His peace.” It is always good to hear from you! Peace, joy, and blessings! 💗🦋🌺

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